Hey There mom! :)
So to answer you question yes I am still ZL here in New Rochelle. Elder Kay was released and transferred. So I will finish my mission with Elder Heywood, he is from Mesa, Arizona as well. He and Elder Kay actually had some classes together in High School. He sounds like a nice guy. I met him once. Transfer meeting will be at 1 today so we have got to be leaving soon. Elder Kay was kind of bummed out. But he is excited because he will be in the same district as Elder Lewis. So I am kind of jealous because of that lol! I will be living with 3 missionaries who all hit their year mark in my last cycle.. There is 1 other missionary in our zone who goes home with me, Elder McCullam. He is really cool! I like him a lot! If I go to Utah for school we will hang out a lot. He started his mission in Albania, but got sick halfway through so he came here to finish. He has been in the Zone the whole time I have been. We have 4 new missionaries coming into our zone! The Portuguese missionaries who just came into our ward, are both training Elders who are waiting on Visas. Haha it's funny, because Elder Garibi is not even done being trained himself. But there are 4 of them coming and president needed a place to put them. 1 new area is opening up in Yonkers English, so we will have 2 new sisters in the Zone. So I am excited! I really want to work hard this last cycle and give it my all! There is still a lot to be done! I just want to make sure we get it all done! This ward has so much potential, and I really want to help with that.
Elder Kay has been awesome! I love him so much! He is one of my best friends. He taught me many good lessons, and we get along so well. He will be one of my best friends for life! I think one of the things he helped me fully realize is that in this life we walk by faith in the choices we make.. He has been there for me these past 12 weeks. I have been an emotional wreck lol! And very indecisive about things... Kind of like how I was before I left! I am just getting super nervous, and the two of us being together and going home together was not a good combo. And with him being sick and us laying around a lot of the time it was hard (he is completely better now :) We still have no idea what it was) So I'm going to work Elder Heywood's little tail off. Hopefully he is ready for it lol! I am sure he will be.He is just now getting called as a ZL and has been out for about a year. So he will give me the push that I need!
So I am good :) Glad to here everyone is doing well.. Well except for Greg.. Poor kid! That would not be fun! One thing for sure , is it does not look like Lindsay will be leaving in March, so I'm glad I will get to spend time with her before she goes!
You all are the best! Well I better get going! We have a busy day in front of us! I love you all! I may be back on later! Have a great week and talk to you/see you soon!!!! (I can actually say that now!) :)
Love you! Love, Mark!

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