So life is going good! This weekend we are getting to go back down to the Rockaways to do some final hurricane relief work for Hurricane Sandy. This time it will be the whole mission going though! I am not sure if Elder Kay and I will be going though because he has been having some health issues lately. I won't say too much but please keep him in your prayers! :) We have been staying home a lot because of it.. And it sounds like you all had a lot of fun over New Years. We just had district meeting on Wednesday. I made buffalo wings for the whole Zone, then we went and ate at the Quiroa's house, then came home. It was pretty fun! The only bad part was we had to be in at 6. But we played Monopoly and I won! Yay!! Then later that night I could not sleep, so I went and stood on our back patio and locked myself out of the house in the freezing cold.. I had to bang on the door for like 5 minutes at 10 in the morning lol! I felt pretty dumb. Elder Kay came and rescued me.
But as to why I could not sleep that will be the interesting part of this email... This past weekend Elder Kay and I did a 40 hour fast, so I could receive guidance as to what I am supposed to do with my future. I feel like I am supposed to do 1204890548947849058 different things and they all do not correlate. We prayed that I would receive an answer.. A little more in depth than that, but I will explain that later... For the past couple days I have been rethinking and thinking about staying at home after the mission... Why? you may ask. Various reasons. And because I have already have been away from the family for so long... Your email today Mom came as an answer to that prayer. Mom I would love your counsel on this as well as you Dad... But I am willing to stay at home and help out and go to SCC. I could transfer to BYU or LSU later, but I want to know what you all think. I have been thinking about it all weekend.. And even more so today. I will keep this short so we can chat mom. I love you all and everybody take care and have a great week! Love you! Love Mark! :)

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