I am doing good! I am going to send Lindsay an email so I will address all of that info in there! But I am doing fine. It is hard at times, but I will be alright. But wow! sounds like things are busy at home. Hard to believe that school is about to start up again.
And yes I will write Todd.. We have just been extremely busy. And the Memory Card lol! I will get them both there ASAP!
So sounds like Dad is traveling a lot. So what exacly is it that he does?? lol! I left like a month after he got this job so I have kind of already forgotten :./
So things in Stamford are legit! We are working really hard. This is probably the hardest I have worked on my mission. We already have close to 100 referrals from ward members :) This plan we are working on was for sure inspired! After this month is over we plan on going out and contacting all of the referrals we have! Things have been crazy busy! But I am enjoying it! Transfers are next week, so I am pretty sure Elder Vasquez is out. But I have also heard a rumor of them splitting our area, so we will see what happens. But I am excited!
And best news of all we have Gizzelle's baptism this Saturday! Elder Fox will be baptizing her! and even better news is there is a really strong chance her Dad may be getting baptized as well! :) :) Miracle if it happens... It is a long story. But if this happens.. It will be the biggest Miracle I have seen on my mission. We taught him today during Pday. I just met him last night. He was Elder Vasquez's investigator before Elder Fox and I came to this area and we have been trying to get a hold of him, but now he just came to us... I am so happy! I will have to explain in more detail next week! :)
And today Pday was kind of boring.. We drove out to Danbury CT to play football but when we got there they decided to stop playing... It took an hour to get there lol! So kind of a wasted pday. But we taught a very very good lesson so it was all good!
Crazy Garrett got married.. Hellberg told me the previous Elder Torres got married this past weekend.. And thanks for sending that address for me! :)
So I need to write Lindz so I am going to keep this kind of short, but I love you all! :) Thank you for the email mom :) And for emailing every week! :) I really do appreciate it! You are the best! I will be home shortly.... That is so weird... :(
Well I love you all! Take care and have a great week! God Bless you are all in my prayers! :)
Love Mark! :)

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