Haha mom the idea of you singing at a Karaoke bar made me laugh! It sounds like you all had a lot of fun! :) And yes greg did email me! I have to write him back right after this! And yes we do not have a lot of time today, because it is transfers... And Nothing is CHANGING! Haha.. Our whole district is still the same. I am still in a trio... Only 2 of my companions so far i have not served in a trio with. This is my 4th cycle in a trio. 1 with Huerta y Martindale, 1 con Huerta y Hellberg, now 2 with Fox and Vazquez! That is a lot! lol! But things are going good! I love my companionship! I feel like I am becoming a better missionary/person each and everyday as I am with these 2 great people. They have become really good friends.
So I will start off by talking about the Baptism. It was amazing Mom! Seriously, such a great experience. So.. Juan, the dad of Gizzell, was taught about 2 months ago by Elder Vazquez and Elder Peterson here in Stamford. And when Elder Fox and I arrived for some odd reason he just fell off the face of the earth and we could not get in contact with him. We talked to Cledi, Gizell's Mom and she told us that Juan was no longer interested in getting baptized/ joining the Church. Long story short.. Last Tuesday night I met Juan for the 1st time. He told us about all the problems that were going on in his life and how things were just really difficult.. He told us he did not even know about the baptism of Gizelle until we had told him... Originally the plan was for him and her to get baptized on the same day... He opened his heart up to us, and said he wanted to get baptized that Saturday with his daughter.... Stunned I just said "Si" we can make that happen!... Well we taught him that next day during our PDAy, and went over all 4 lessons, and scheduled a baptisimal interview with President Morgan.... Oh I forgot the best part.. He did not tell him family that he was going to get baptized so it was going to be a suprise! :)
So we were really nervous about the interview, but all went well and he was okayed for him to be baptized that Saturday :) So Saturday comes around and I am conducting the baptisimal service, and Juan comes in his normal clothes... I talked to him before the baptism asking him if anyone has any idea what is going to happen and he tells me no.. The only people who knew were the Bishop, ward Mission leader, and a couple members who helped us get Juan to Church... So he tells me that he asked Gizelle if she ever prayed to ask if he would get baptized and she said to him " Yeah I do.. But its too late for that, you will never change".. Well.. Halfway through the baptisimal service Juan gets up to leave so he can go change.. and Gizelle gets upset because she thinks her dad is leaving in the middle of the baptism.. But little does she know he is going with Elder Vazquez to go change into his baptismal clothes :)... Well.. I am directing the baptismal program, so right before Gizelle gets baptized I look at her and say "Gizelle there is someone else here who would like to get baptized as well. Is that okay?" And she gives me the most confused look I have ever seen. Then I continue and say "I think you may know who it is" And I swing open the door, right as Juan finishes changing... And out walks her dad :) She just jumped up and gave him the biggest hug ever! :) And Cledi, her mom had the biggest smile on her face :) The whole family was happy! so then we took some pictures and Elder Fox performed his first baptism by baptizing Gizelle and Elder Vazquez baptized Juan... One of the most precious moments of my mission. Gizelle was crying when she came up out of the water...
The next day, Elder Fox confirmed Gizelle, and President Morgan confirmed Juan... They both became members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.. After the confirmation I looked out to the mother of our investigators Amanda and Bruna.. and Lisa was touched by the spirit.. All 3 of them were. We are hoping to get bap date with Amanda and Bruna this week! :)
But all of it did not really hit me until Gizelle and Juan took the Sacrament for the first time... The spirit touched me so strong as I looked at their family! It was amazing... We had united a family. I am so grateful the Lord let me be part of something like that! It was such a growing experience, and I know... I know families can be together forever through this Gospel... And I know it all starts with baptism.. .Through someone making a choice to follow our Saviour Jesus Christ. I felt his love for each one of them, and I want to help all people feel that, because it really is the most amazing thing we can feel in this life. I love my Heavenly Father for the Miracles that have taken place in my life and during the course of my mission... I am almost at my 6 month mark and I do not want it to come.. I do not want to leave this place.. I can't imagine doing anything else where I can have such an impact on someone else's life. Nothing is more important than what I am doing here.. nothing. The most imortant thing someone can do in this life is take the steps necessary, acting in faith, and following the Savior.I saw a man change his life this past weekend. I saw a humble man with a repented heart, and he taught me so much... Words cannot explain how all this makes me feel.. It is true. It is all so true, and I would be lost without it. Mom, Dad, thank you for being active in the Church. Thank you so much for raising us in the Gospel. I don't know where I would be without it. I love you both for everything that you do. Just keep doing what you are doing! you are great parents! :)
Now mom.. I want to know your full conversion story... And Dad yours as well... You both have shared with me bits and pieces of both of yours, but I would like to know the whole thing :) As well as the story of the first member of the Church in our family if you know it dad :) I would love to hear!
So the plan as you asked mom is going really well! We already have about 125 referrals! :) We plan on going out and contacing all that we receive at the end of the month, and our goal is to have contacted everyone by the end of September and have 10 baptisms come from the names that we were given! :) But I think we can surpass that goal! :) Pray for us here. Miracles are about to take place! I am so excited to see what is going to happen! :)I love my mission, and I love the people here. The members, investigators, and missionaries! It is amazing! And I love you all too! Mom I love you most! Have a good week and all of you take care! See you all too soon!
Love your Son! Elder Mark MAttei! :)
You guys are in my prayers! :)

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