Hey there mommy! :)
Happy Halloween everyone! Haha so mom first I am going to address your concerns about my short emails recently. That is because we generally go to the library to email and we are only given an hour.
And about a care package! Don't worry about it! :) It is not a big deal. But if you do sent one just send whatever you would like :) It does not matter to me! :)
So about the Storm. It hit pretty bad. We do not have electricity. We have been out since Monday night. So naturally walking around in pitch black has been a blast. We just stayed in our apartment. Down by the beach some small sailboats washed up onto the shore! And there are a lot of trees down! Luckily our church still has power which is about 1/8 mile from our house. But we were grounded all of Monday, and until like 4 yesterday. We looked for stuff to do, but sadly around here there is not too much. If we could somehow get an organized project together that would be nice. The biggest problem is that like nobody has power! The wind was extremely strong. Rain was not too bad at all! But as you said apparently it has hit the city really hard! I have not heard a lot! But yeah.. That is what is going on as far as that. We are just looking for opportunities to help. Staying inside for 2 days really made me appeciate what we do every other day. Although it is sometime repeticious! It was just nice to finally be outside doing things! :) \
But I am glad to hear you talked to President Morgan! He is a great guy! I love him so much! We had interviews last week, and it is always such a blessing to be able to talk with him.
And when Elder D. Todd Christofferson came, that was really cool! He said a lot of interesting and powerful things that really got me thinking! It was a great opportunity and I left from it remotivated! :) He has a true and strong testimony about the Gospel, and about the Savior. What he said at the end of his testimony was truly just amazing! Before that I got to pick up missionaries from the train station in Scarsdale, so I was driving around by myself. That was weird! It was the first time in forever that I was alone! But it was nice! lol! :) I miss having alone time!
So Lydia, 1 of the 4 sisters is getting baptized this Saturday! :) It will be right before Elder Kropf leaves! So we are really excited for that! :)
Well I don't have too much more time these computers only give us an hour. But I just want to let you all know I love you! And thank you for all you do :) I am good! The storm could not take me down! I am doing good! Just trying to get used to the cold weather! I HATE THE COLD! haha! Okay mom I am going to send you a second email! But I love you all! :) Have a great day! Have fun trick or treating tonight! Garrett save some candy for me! :) Love you all!
Love Mark! :)

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