So I will try to address everything you asked me. About the election, yeah Romney lost. What can we do? Hope for the best and expect the worst :) Hopefully he can actually do something in these next 4 years.. You guys know me, I am no politician; I don't care enough. But things do need to get better. Let's hope for the best! :)
With that said here is the good news of the week! ELDER KAY IS MY NEW COMPANION!! :) Elder Kay is his best bud from the MTC. We are ZLs together!! I am so happy! :) And Elder Eliason is in our pad! He is in the English Ward! I feel so bad for Elder Plouzek. He is living with 3 almost dead missionaries (close to going home) who go home together. Haha he does not even have a year yet! But the two of them are the new office elders. It's a new position in the mission.. They basically do all the stuff that the AP's did not want to do before. I am so excited for this cycle! Those were the best transfer calls I have received my whole mission!
So Lydia got baptized! Elder Kropf baptized and confirmed her! It was really cool! Hopefully the other 3 sisters will follow her example some time this cycle! And now we have a baptismal date with a little girl named Michelle! She is 11! And the Granddaughter of the Gospel Principles teacher Hermano Bucay! It is a miracle. She just basically told her Grandpa that she wanted to be baptized. We met her at church on Sunday, then visited with her Monday night. She set her date for the 10th of December! So we are pretty excited for that :)
And BYU App deadline is the 1st of December for Priority. And we need to finish the app before we can start recommendations. But I was thinking Sister Hudson as well for a teacher one. And President Smith, and Brother Tuttle as well! :) You read my mind mom. I am almost done, I really just need you to put on my GPA and things of that sort. So please get on that!! This week! I am going to try and finish the essays by next PDay. I will send you all of the revised ones. I have kind of changed them up a little bit. I was thinking the same thing that you mentioned, that with this new change in mission age, there is a much better likelihood that I can get in! :) So please pray and keep your fingers crossed!
I am 100% committed to getting into BYU. And my second option is UVU. I just really feel like I need to be in Provo, so I will not be applying for BYU I :/ Not now at least, sorry :( lol! And thanks for the EFY link mom! I will be looking into that as well if I do not get in for summer semester. :)
And about my release date.. ah you know I hate talking about that, but if everything goes as follows I should arrive on the 14th. Assuming we don't have some drastic changes in the mission from now until then... That is so scary to think. Elder Kay and I really hope that we get to kill each other off, but I doubt that will be happening! Seriously he is my best bud out here! :) I am so happy we are companions!
So that story about Lindsay made both Elder Kay and I laugh! That is funny! So did she actually meet President Smith?? I could not really figure out from what you told me.
But yeah I am good! We were out of power until Friday afternoon last week. I hated it. The dark is so depressing. And tonight we are grounded ( we can't drive) because of the snow storm. So we are just going to go back and move Elder Kay in. But to answer Dad's questions we did get to do some service.. not too much hurricane related, but service none the less. We helped an investigator of the Scarsdale Elders rake his and his neighbor's leaves. We also helped him carry a bunch of free fire wood to his back yard (He got the firewood because of all the trees that had fallen over as a result of hurricane Sandy) So.. it was kind of service for them. Most of the work is to be done in New Jersey and in the South Mission. To the looks of it, President Morgan is trying to organize something so our mission may be able to provide relief to those areas. Because of the long gas waits and many highways that were closed this past week, it was almost impossible to get over to Jersey or Long Island. But hey who knows maybe I will be leaving the mission soon to go help out :) The biggest problem here was power outages, and the 6 hours we had to wait to get gas. We had to wait until midnight to get gas.. it was ridiculous!! We waited for 2 hours Thursday morning, and the station ran out. then we came back that night and got in line at 7:40. We started filling up 1 car at 11:40, but our car did not get filled because at 12 the workers had to go home.. (we were like 10 cars behind the English Elders.) So annoying.. We were running on empty for days. Thankfully to Maria, our landlady, we were able to fill up part of the way because she had a 5 gallon tank, or else we would have been in a bind! It was not until yesterday in the morning that we were able to fill up completely! :) It has been stressful.. But at the same time a lot of fun :) I feel terrible for the people in Long Island and Jersey. :( Everyone needs to keep them in their prayers!
Well that's about it! I think I addressed everything you both said. :) I love you both! Thank you for your advice! :) I am taking it! :) And yup Dad the End is coming... I don't know when, but I feel it is getting closer! Just got to keep our heads held high! Well I love you all! Take care and have a good week! You are all in my thoughts and prayers! :)
Love Mark! :)

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