Hey there mommy dearest! :)
So your letter today was as scatterbrained as I normally am lol! But I will go ahead and try to answer all of your questions. I may not have too much time because this is Elder Kropf's dying cycle and he wants to go down to Manhattan and take advantage of the new privileges we have been given... AKA we are going to Time Square today :) And yes Elder Kropf is the one with the Yoda lol!
So the area is good! Still upstate so I am still in a car. Right now Elder Kropf is the one who is driving .Although I am fairly certain the the next couple days I will be the one taking charge of that so I can learn my way around the area. The area is huge! It borders my last area in Stamford/Greenwich. And we live in a small apartment. There are only 3 in the building. Our landlady Maria is awesome. She owns a Pizza joint as well so she is always giving us free pizza lol! She loves us. So we are well taken care of. Plus this is the nicest apartment I have lived in. A little smaller than the others, but for sure the best furnished and decorated. I really like it! :) And I am finally on the Bottom Bunk!! First time in 18 months lol! So that has been nice. I feel like I sleep a lot better, when I am closer to the ground. New responsibilities are fairly simple, be kind, loving and an example! So not too bad. Plus we take numbers on Sunday nights and call the AP's. So nothing too bad... I was not excited when President Morgan called me though lol! I was trying to avoid leadership.. But oh well.. What the Lord wants, I will do. :)
So packages, just send them to the office. It is in my Zone so I can pretty much go there whenever I want to pick it up... Just for now on send mail to the Mission Office. I will get it pretty much when it comes in.
So the area is really nice! We live about a 2 minute walking distance from the Church! So that is a huge plus!! And yes I am still working in the Spanish Ward! :) This ward is a lot smaller, and I have hardly gotten to know anyone yet.. But I plan on changing that soon. I am going to implement the plan we used in Stamford and use it here. And we are giving a training about it to the Zone next Monday.. That is something President Morgan wanted me to do, and one of the big reasons why I think I was called as a Zone Leader. So I am excited to see the Work get moving here. Member Participation in Missionary work is kind of down the tube here, so it will, with much faith, be coming back up here shortly :)
So I am thinking this is probably my last area but I really don't know. We will see what happens! :) We are teaching some really cool people. There are 4 Mexican sisters who come to the Spanish class, and come to church each week. The hard part has been actually sitting down with them and teaching them. They are all younger. Se llaman Mia, Lidia, Nance,.. and I forget the others name lol! But they are cool. Then there is this lady who we are teaching. She is ready to be baptized, she just needs to move out of the apartment where she is living because she is living with another guy... She is looking though :) That is the good news :) Elder Kropf has done a great job at teaching her! She is so smart and has a sincere desire to learn :)
And then there are a lot of other people but I don't have much time lol! :) But things are going well.. as always I am a little slow adjusting to change but I will be good :) I am glad to hear the family is doing alright and nothing too Crazy is happening... I will try and write Todd again soon. I got a big stack of letters that I need to reply to. lol!
And thanks for telling me about Julian. Tell him I say "what's up" and I love him. I love you all very much! and I miss you! You are all in my prayers! :) Tell Bishop Remund I say Hello as well :) I love you all. Take care and have a great week! I will talk to you all soon! And try to have even more time to email next week! Take care! Love you all! Love Marky Mark! :)
(Auhoo hoo) That is my monkey noise for Stephie! You can tell her I just made that in the Library for her lol! :) Bye Bye! :)

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