Hello everyone!
So my feelings right now are that I am excited! I went to the Lion King today... It was AMAZING! :) I Loved it so much!!! Broadway seriously is something amazing! I am so grateful for the opportunity! I wish I could just describe it all to you! It was pretty magical! The Singers were breathtaking! Ah! Freaking Sick! I loved it! Also I went to see/say bye to Cindy tonight. It was nice to see her... She is amazing! She is married now and her husband got baptized in the summer, and her daughter Kiki last May. And now she is having another baby! :) Joseph will be his name. He is due on the 7th of March :) I loved seeing her! Elder Stratton is serving in that area again, and he knocked the door and I was hiding on the other side of the wall.. I turned around and I had this 9 month pregnant lady running up to give me a hug! :) It was really nice to see her! She is one of my best friends! I am so glad we could teach and find her. That one person has made a huge influence in so many different people's lives. When we all come back here you guys will get to meet her :) It was sad saying good bye, but she told me to be happy and helped me out a lot! I strongly feel that she is one of the main reasons I served my mission. I am so grateful to God, that Elder Martindale found her his last week of his mission by looking up a former investigator. ... It made a huge difference in their lives and in mine. She tells me and Stratton we are her favorites lol! It makes me laugh! She is totally from Harlem. And it is sometimes hard to believe she is a Mormon. But she is, and that makes me so happy! :)
But the play was Amazing! I went with Elders Stratton, Peterson, and McCullam. It was the best pday of my mission. I hope you all can experience a Broadway show some time! It's to die for!Ah ! I love the LION KING! I will just tell you all about it when I get home! :P
At Cindy's after The Lion King |
Work is good, companion is good! :) I love the mission! It's amazing! I will miss it more than anything. It has changed me forever. I really think I have enjoyed and loved my mission more than anyone else who has ever served one. It will shape my life in all ways. IT'S FREAKING NEW YORK! :) I LOVE THIS PLACE! AH! I miss Harlem! But with all that nonsense said I am excited to come home! :) I actually just wish it would come. It's like when you rip a bandaid off slowly. It hurts, and I just want it to be off already! Seriously best place in the world= here. MY MISSION! I love everyone I have met. Missionaries, members, and investigators and random people in the street! Ah! I LOVE NEW YORK! I just want to make it clear, how awesomely amazing this place really is! :) My mission is the best. Yeah Linz will have fun in Brazil, but it's not here :P New York has Brazil and every other country in the world already here :) She will love Portuguese though! It's a cool language. I have picked a little bit of it up. It is very very similar to Spanish. Brazil seems pretty cool! I have a couple of good friends from there now :) She will love it!
Well I am starving and need to eat something! So you guys have a good night.. I will talk to you next week! I can't believe how fast this is all coming! Be ready for the time of your lives when I get home! :) I love you all! And Pray for each one of you! Love Mark! :)
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